Update from the Board

Update from the Board

As previously announced, Eugenio Barba will leave Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium the 1st of December 2022, and the generational change, that has been going on in the past years, will be completed.

“It is an anniversary of the melancholic and sorrowful kind”, says the Director of the Board Louise Ejgod Hansen, “because it is an era that comes to an end, and on behalf of the theatre and Holstebro we would like to thank Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret’s ensemble for the impact and the imprints they have left in so many people over the years”.

Several of Odin Teatret’s actors will stay at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, among them Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Roberta Carreri, Kai Bredholt, Donald Kitt, Luis Alonso and Carolina Pizzaro will continue their artistic work at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium.

The Board of Directors wishes Eugenio Barba the best of luck with the new activities and plans for the next years.

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A message from the Board

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