Greenlandic language radio at the Nordic Theatre Laboratory

Greenlandic language radio at the Nordic Theatre Laboratory

Over the next three years Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium in Holstebro will receive DKK 7 million to establish Greenlandic-language programme production in Denmark.

The new podcast INUNA Radio is an auditory gathering place where Greenlanders living in Denmark have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences across generations and city boundaries

says initiator and theatre manager Per Kap Bech Jensen.

We have always been a place that has given a voice to those who had none and INUNA Radio is the space where that can happen. It is a hub in the cloud and a bridge between Greenland and Denmark. We look forward to addressing this,

Per Kap Bech Jensen adds.

The podcast will operate at the intersection of past, present and aspirations for the future. The programme interface will include formats dealing with current affairs, news and entertainment. Emphasis will be placed on broad dissemination and interaction with listeners, including through various social media, as well as participation at various events.

The renowned Greenlandic composer and businesswoman, Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, is an employee of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium and is project manager for INUNA Radio. She invites a broad collaboration and participation in this new programme production, which will cover a wide diversity of Greenlandic-speaking listeners throughout Denmark.

Member of Parliament (SIU) Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam is pleased that Greenlandic radio production is being established in Denmark

In Siumut we set aside money for this purpose, as there is a need for Greenlandic radio programmes to be produced. Politically, we have set the framework for what radio production can look like, while the Slots-og Kulturstyrelsen has assessed and prepared who should be in charge of production. I am very much looking forward to listening to the programmes,

says the Greenlandic Member of Parliament, Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam.

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium specialises in international collaborations across languages and cultures. Through the cooperation project, Corvus Corax 20XX, between the Greenlandic National Theatre in Nuuk and Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium in Holstebro, the theatres have experience in creating sustainable collaborations between local and professional actors in Greenland and Denmark. The Greenlandic National Theatre is looking forward to contributing to INUNA Radio and theatre manager Susanne Andreasen says:

Telling the good, difficult or funny stories binds us closer together across great physical distances. It’s nice that we are here to communicate Greenlanders to Greenlanders, so the conversations can be deeper and different. Sometimes when we talk about Greenland in Denmark or to Denmark, we have to start by communicating or ‘translating’ a culture, we don’t do that here, don’t get me wrong.

The new podcast, INUNA Radio, will debut in February 2023 and thereafter with weekly broadcasts that will be available on all major podcast services.

INUNA is a play on the words Nuna (land/ground), Inuk (human/Greenlander), Inuit Nunaat (Greenland/human land) and Nunasivoq which means “to settle in a place where one was not born”. The word INUNA can be understood and interpreted from many different angles.


Radio Nutaaq kalaallisut aallakaatitsisoq Nordisk Teaterlaboratoriumimi

Ukiunut pingasunut tullernut Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, Holstebromiittoq, radiop kalaallisut aallakaatitsisartup pilersinnissaanut Nordatlantpuljenimit syv millioninik aningaasaliiffigineqarpoq.

– Podcast nutaaq INUNA Radio kalaallit Danmarkimi najugaqartut tusarnaartarfittut ataatsimoortarfissaraat, tassani Danmarkimi najugallit, kinguaariiaat illoqarfiillu akornanni ilisimasaminnik misigisartakkaminnillu avitseqatigiittarnissaminnik periarfissaqassapput, aallarniisoq aamma isiginnaartitsiviup pisortaa Per Kap Bech Jensen ilisimatitsivoq

– Uagut tusaaneqarneq ajortunut tusaaneqarnissaannik periarfissiisuaannartarsimavugut, tassalu INUNA Radiomi tusaaneqarsinnaalertissaagut. Internettimi katersuuffiussaaq, Kalaallillu Nunaata Danmarkillu akornanni ikaartarfiussalluni. Aallartinnissaa qilanaaraarput, oqarpoq isiginnaartitsisarfiup pisortaa Per Kap Bech Jensen.

Podcasti qanga ullutsinnilu pisimasunik, siunissamilu kissaatinik sammisaqartassaaq. Programmit suunerisigut immikkoortiterinermi ilaatigut sammineqartassapput maannakkut pisut, nutaarsiassat aamma aliikkusersuineq. Paasisitsiniaanerup atituujunissaa aamma tusarnaartartunik sunniivigeqatigiittarnissaq pingaartinneqassapput, ilaatigut inuit attaveqaataat assigiinngitsut atorlugit, kiisalu aaqqissuussinerit assigiinngitsut aqqutigalugit.

Kalaaleq erinniortoq inuussutissarsiornermillu ingerlatsisartoq arnaq ilisimaneqarluartoq, Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, Nordisk Teaterlaboratoriumimi atorfeqarpoq aamma INUNA Radiomut suliniummut aqutsisuulluni. Programmiliorfimmut nutaamut, Danmarki tamakkerlugu kalaallit tusarnaartartut akornanni  assigiinngiiaassuserujussuarmik samminniffiusussamut, atituumillu suleqatigiiffiunissaanut aamma peqataaffiginissaanut tikilluaqqusivoq.

Folketingimi ilaasortap Aki-Matilda Høegh-Damip kalaallit aaqqissuussaannik radiomik Danmarkimi aallakaatitsisarfiliortoqarnissa nuannaarutigaa.

 Siumumi siunertamut aningaasanik immikkoortitsisimavugut, kalaallit aaqqissuussaannik radioprogramminik aallakaatitassiortoqarnissaannik pisariaqartitsisoqarmat. Politikkikkut uagut radiomi aallakaatitsisarfiliornissaq qanoq isikkoqarsinnaanersoq pillugu sinaakkusiisimavugut, Slots-og Kulturstyrelsenilli kia aallakaatitassiorneq suliarissaneraa naliiffigisimavaa aaqqissuullugulu. Aallakaatitassiat tusarnaarnissaannut assut qilanaarpunga, oqarpoq kalaaleq Folketingimi ilaasortaq, Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam.  

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium nunat tamalaat akornanni oqaatsit kulturillu akornanni suleqatigiinnermik immikkut suliaqartartuuvoq. Suleqatigiinnermi suliniutikkut, Corvus Corax20XX-ikkut, Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfiata aamma Nordisk Teaterlaboratoriumip akornanni, isiginnaartitsisarfiit sumiiffinni innuttaasut aamma inuuniutigalugu suliaqartartut akornanni Kalaallit Nunaanni aamma Danmarkimi piujuartitsisumik suleqatigiinnernik pilersitsinernik misilittagaqarluartuupput. Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfiata INUNA Radiomut suleqataanissani qilanaaraa aamma isiginnaartitsisarfiup pisortaa Susanne Andreasen ima oqaaseqarpoq:

– Oqaluttuat pitsaasut, imaluunniit sapernartut imaluunniit nuannersut oqaluttuarisarnerisa immitsinnut ungasissorsuugaluartugut qanillisittarpaatigut. Assut nuannerpoq kaalallit kalaaleqataannut akunnermiuliutsittassagatsigit, tamaalilluni oqaloqatigiinnerit itinerulerlutillu allaanerussammata. Ilaanni Kalaallit Nunaat pillugu Danmarkimi imaluunniit Danmarkimut paasisitsiniaanerit eqqartoraangatsigit, taava paasisitsiniaaqqaarluta imaluunniit kulturimik ’nutsereqqaarluta’ aallarteqqaartariaqartarpugut, uanili taamaaliussanngilagut.

Podcasti nutaaq, INUNA radio, siullermik februar 2023-mi aallakaatinneqassaaq, aamma tamatuma kingorna sapaatip akunnerit tamaasa aallakaatitsisassalluni, taakkulu podcastinik aallakaatitsisarfinni angisuuni tamani tusarnaarneqarsinnaassapput. 

INUNA oqaatsinik pinnguarluni katiterineruvoq oqaatsit uku akornanni Nuna (nuna/nunarsuaq), Inuk (inuk/kalaaleq), Inuit Nunaat (Kalaallit Nunaat/inuit nunaat) aamma Nunasivoq ima isumaqartoq “inunngorfigisaanngitsumi nunasisoq”. Eqqumiitsuliornermik oqaaseq INUNA taamaalilluni assigiinngitsorpassuartigut paasineqarsinnaavoq.

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