We are going live with the next artistic neighborhood event

We are going live with the next artistic neighborhood event

In Særkærparken, neighbors come together to create artistic experiences for each other

A pilot project in Holstebro will form the basis for new ways of strengthening neighboring communities throughout Central and Western Jutland by letting neighbors invite each other home for an experience out of the ordinary.

It has long been a great wish of the theatre, led by theatre director Per Kap Bech Jensen, that Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (NTL) become an integral part of the area, in which the theatre is located right in the middle of. That is why NTL has created the project Kunstneriske Nabofællesskaber (Artistic Neighborhood Communities), which lets neighbors be the framework for an artistic experience in the neighbourhood.

A varied neighbourhood

Særkærparken can do something very special. Today, the neighborhood consists of one-third families with children, one-third adult households without children and one-third pensioners. Add the businesses on Gartnerivej and you have a very representative sample of residential areas in western Jutland. This is of great importance for the experience that the pilot project will gather.

There has been great support among both households and businesses for the project, and there is no doubt that Særkærparken's composition means that the project will throw off important knowledge, which will be significant when the project is to be rolled out in the entire area of Kultursamarbejdet.

The first event gathered the neighbors

The first event took place in August at the home of Mette Holmegaard, a librarian at Holstebro Library, who had the garden filled of more than 50 neighbors of all ages, who brought chairs and coffee cups themselves, and enjoyed a performance concert on the terrace togehter.

The concept is that neighbours, who are hosts, choose for themselves whether it should take place in the carport, the kitchen, the garden, the living room, etc. And then the guests bring the things that are needed, such as chairs, coffee cups etc. In the project's budget, it has been taken into account that the host will receive cover for expenses like coffee and other things that make the event more pleasant.

Open Call attracted great artistic variety

After the first event, NTL held an Open Call for the 9 remaining artistic neighboring events, and a wide range of events has come out of this, from live SMS-created storytelling to light installations and a country concert.

Right now, the puzzle is underway to place the various arrangements with neighbors and businesses. The neighbors themselves wish which event they would like to host, and then NTL plans together with the artist(s) and the neighbors when it will take place.

The next event will also be opened to the rest of the city

On Sunday 29 October, it is STS-Biler that invites the neighbors in. Here the theme is experiences for all ages, where the day starts with a part just for the neighbors in Særkærparken and on Gartnerivej, before opening to the whole city at 14, where the little Italian Apecar comes rolling, ready to take everyone right into the living room of a classic married couple, designed by Alice Occhiali and Valerio Peroni.

Facts about Artistic Neighborhood Communities:

  • 10 artistic events will be held in the period August 2023 - July 2024
  • The pilot project is supported by Kultursamarbejdet
  • The neighborhood includes all households and businesses in Særkærparken and on Gartnerivej
  • The neighbors themselves choose which event they want to be the setting for
  • The event can be held in the carport, garden, kitchen, living room, etc
  • Several neighbors or an entire junction can join together for an event.
  • Neighbors who show up for the event themselves brings a chair, cup etc., so no one is left with a lot of clean-up.
  • A grant is provided for each event, which covers costs for coffee and the like.
  • Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium provides producers, technicians and stage equipment, etc. available and help with setup if needed.
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