Hold on to your coffee cup - because we are ready to kick off something completely unique!

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium launches ARTISTIC NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITIES - a model test that takes its starting point in Særkærparken in Holstebro, which contains 155 plots and a business area. Through a wide range of artistic disciplines – think theatre, music, visual arts and dance – our project is out to mix neighborhood and community into a lively and wonderful cocktail!

We want to be the conductor who transforms everyday life into a creative concoction of laughter, curiosity and cohesion. Of course with a solid portion of help from Særkærparken's committed residents.

On Wednesday, August 16, we kick off the project, thanks to the warm-hearted invitation from Mette and Finn, who live in Særkærparken 42. They have reached out a generous hand and invite the whole neighborhood to a garden concert. Here, residents can look forward to an evening in the company of the Mexican flamenco dancer, Erika Sanchez, and the virtuoso Danish actor and accordion player, Kai Bredholt! But wait, there's more!

Særkærparken 52 sends its own young, talented ballet dancer on stage, who will elegantly take over the garden in a unique ballet performance.

This is just the first step on an exciting journey, and we can hardly wait to see how music, dance and theater will intertwine in every corner of Særkærparken's gardens and living rooms!

The project, which extends over the coming year, is backed by the Cultural Cooperation, which has thrown DKK 200,000 into the pool to help this unique initiative on its way.

Read more: Artistic Neighborhood Communities

The Island of Morel: An engaging and fascinating exchange week has come to an end.

The Island of Morel: An engaging and fascinating exchange week has come to an end.

A message from the Board

A message from the Board

Peter Elsass (11/03/1947 – 01/10/ 2022)

Peter Elsass (11/03/1947 – 01/10/ 2022)
