Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium – Odin Teatret launches new logo and visual identity

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium Odin Teatret launches new logo and visual identity

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (NTL) presents new logo and visual identity.

The new logo shows the balance between the history, all that has been built up, which has created Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (NTL), and what NTL stands for today.

The new logo in the shape of the N is designed as a pillar, where part of the pillar has moved and something new is being created, while there is still a connection between the past and the present. It is a new interpretation of the previous logo, which has been with the theater for almost 40 years, and which refers to everything's inherent duality. A story that NTL is in constant development, and at the same time based on great respect for the shoulders NTL stands on. NTL will always be defined by both what was, what is and what is to come.

NTL has chosen to retain black, white and red as the primary colors in the visual identity. These colors have been with us for many years, and are repeated at NTL, i.a. in the colors of the theatre's performance hall and in the two towers that characterize the theatre's architecture. This creates a recognizable and coherent visual identity that connects NTL's past, present and future.

"We are very happy with our new logo and visual identity, which represent our values and our history in a modern and up-to-date way. We believe that the new logo will strengthen our identity and communication with our audience and partners,"

says NTL's theater manager, Per Kap Bech Jensen.

The new logo will be implemented gradually over the coming months and will be visible on all NTL's platforms, including their website, social media and marketing materials.

For further information about NTL's new logo and visual identity, you are welcome to contact us.

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