Big kaffemik with many present marked the beginning of the INUNA PODCAST

Big kaffemik with many present marked the beginning of the INUNA PODCAST

INUNA PODCAST's launch became the beginning of the community for Greenlanders living here, which is the very purpose of the podcast.

Since November 2022, when it became clear that Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium in Holstebro would have to produce a podcast in Greenlandic, project manager Arnannguaq Gerstrøm has worked hard to get the right team together and create the framework for an auditory gathering place for Greenlanders living in Denmark. Over the next three years, INUNA PODCAST will be the epicenter for current accounts and stories from Greenlandic life in Denmark, its diversity and diversity across generations.

When the launch of the INUNA PODCAST takes place in Holstebro, it is also a historical look back, as the first Greenland House in Denmark was located in Danmarksgade here in Holstebro. History has a habit of repeating itself in contemporary clothing, and therefore it seems logical that the new auditory community center for Greenlanders living in Denmark starts right here.

Neither the theatre's manager Per Kap Bech Jensen nor Arnannguaq Gerstrøm are in any doubt that it is a big task, and it is with an open mind, humility and curiosity that INUNA must support Greenlandic identity and language, as well as create completely new relationships between residents Greenlanders via an insistence on open dialogue and interaction.

"Our intention with INUNA is to create and develop the podcast together with other Greenlanders living in Denmark. We don't come and say, this is how every detail has to be. It must be a community where there is room for many different voices", says project manager Arnannguaq Gerstrøm.

A lot of thought and intention has been put into the physical framework for INUNA PODCAST and the possibilities of being able to invite people inside. The sound for INUNA is produced at height - in a tower at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. In the old days you would say in a radio tower. The tower becomes a physical link between the recordings, the editing and the cloud, from which INUNA is broadcast.

"The launch is the beginning of a journey where INUNA opens up to the world. It has been a learning process where there have been many balls in the air. Having said that, it is fantastic to be able to go on air with the first podcast today, where there has been ample opportunity to gain an insight into some of the Greenlandic identity and language", says project manager Arnannguaq Gerstrøm.

More than 100 turned up and helped send INUNA off on a good note with kaffemik, Greenlandic choral singing by the choir Kilitaq from Skive, group singing, speeches from e.g. mayor HC Østerby and theater director Per Kap Bech Jensen. Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, project manager for INUNA, performed the musical theme for the podcast on flute, which she composed herself, accompanied by Kai Bredholdt from the Nordic Theater Laboratory on accordion. A joint countdown put the podcast on air and the day was rounded off with Greenlandic Kalattuut (Greenlandic polka), suaasat (seal soup), traditional Greenlandic mask dance by Connie Kristoffersen and a presentation of the INUNA "radio tower".

Now it's about which direction the resident Greenlanders in Denmark think is relevant, and what brings them together for INUNA PODCAST.

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