Human Mosaic: Over the bridge, above the water at Storebro - Holstebro Festive Week 2024

9 jun.

“Human Mosaic - Over the bridge, above the water at Storebro"/"Over broen, oven vande ved Storebro" happens Sunday 9th of June from 14.00-15.00 at Storå.

Join us when more than 100 participants from Holstebro and abroad facilitates a grand performance by the bridge above the stream.

Holstebro’s very own Storå is the focal point of this music performance. Our city came to life by a ford near the stream, where later a bridge was built. Be intrigued and affected when music and performances by a number of the city’s cultural institutions tell the city and steam’s history, and especially the events that changed the course of the city: the first stones laid down for the bridge, the floods, the fires, the cultural explosion and much, much more.  

Holstebro Musikskole, Holstebro Balletskole, Holstebro Musikkorps, Holstebro Industri- og Håndværkerforenings Mandskor, Salsa Holstebro, Kajakklubben Pagaj, Tiahes Thiaharaja, Theveya Zarathkanth, NUIS - The National Theatre of Greenland, Labirion Officine Trasversali, Dina Fisker Sandgreen, Kristian Mølgaard, Kimmernaq Kjeldsen og vores Human Mosaic partners are all a part of making this a grand and inspiring experience for all those interested.  

"Human Mosaic - Over the bridge, above the water at Storebro - Made of you and me, for everyone to see" is a Creative Europe project (Project Number: 101098563), funded under the CREA-CULT-2022-COOP call - website in collaboration with our Human Mosaic involved partners, Teatr Brama from Poland, Fabrica Athen from Greece, Asociatia Culturala Replika og Teatrul Masca from Romania.



Holstebro Musikskole, herunder:

Play on wood, Barok blok, Guitarorkester, Ungdomssymfonieorkester, Accordeon

Holstebro Musikkorps

Balletskolen Holstebro

Kajakklubben Pagaj

Salsa Holstebro

Holstebro Industri- og Håndværkerforenings Mandskor

Theveya Zarathkanth

Tiahes Thiaharaja

Labirion Officine Trasversali

Dina Fisker Sandgreen

Kristian Mølgaard

Kimmernaq Kjeldsen

Hans Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

NUIS - The National Theatre of Greenland


Fabrica Athens

Teatr Brama

Masca Theater

Replika Center

Stefania Giammarino

Federica Gamba

Gabriele Silvi

Zuza Salica

Stella Godmet

Milena Wilke

Yushu Wang

The team behind

Special thanks to: 

Iben Nagle Rasmussen & Vindens Bro for letting us use the song, “Vindenes bro”, written by Halfden Rasmussen with music by Frans Winther
Erling Larsen for helping with historical objects
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