Holstebro Pride 2024

14 sep.

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium will participate in the second Holstebro Pride Week from 9 to 14 September. Pablo Lara, Gracia Rios, Matias Carruitero, Zuzana Durikova and Karin Ahlstrom, actors at NTL, will be part of the parade and organisation like last year.

As a part of preparation for the Pride, Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium will host the theatre company NAUTA from Spain, who, before Pride, will give a workshop on the relationship between theatre mask and gender identity in our current society.

The workshop with NAUTA will take place at the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium on Friday the 13 of September, from 19:00 to 21:00, and is free to attend. Anyone interested can send an email to pablo@ntl.dk

We look forward to seeing you!

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Village Akademiet - Steenvad

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Village Academy in Ejsing

Village Academy in Ejsing

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The Dance of Intentions - Turkey

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