Søs Banke

Søs Banke


Søs Banke

Born in 1969 in Denmark.

She has a master’s degree in dramaturgy from Aarhus University, Denmark.

She has been working in the field of theatre for more than 30 years, taking part in more than 80 productions, both as a director, playwriter, and actress. The fool has played a crucial role in her study of theatre in society. What has been central for her work is the position of the fool as an ambiguous truthteller exposing human condition and the status quo. In 1980 she created the character Babylon as a result of her studies. During the last 20 years this character has been giving life to several cabaret performances, latest the performance Babel Babel Babel in 2023.

During her carrier she has been teaching in classical theatre, playwriting and contemporary performance for both amateurs, student and professionals. Lately she has been directing the performance After War - an international production in collaboration with Asia Culture Center Foundation in south Korea. The performance has toured in South Korea and Europe. 

She is currently a director, performer, and artistic coordinator at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, Holstebro, Denmark

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