Roundtable - Closing the Gap, Holstebro

Roundtable - Closing the Gap, Holstebro

The third Closing the Gap roundtable will take place in Holstebro, Denmark, hosted by our member the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium.

The third Closing the Gap roundtable took place in Holstebro, Denmark, hosted by our member the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium.

This roundtable took place in the framework of the 750-year anniversary of the city of Holstebro and was hosted by our member the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium.
In order to build bridges and enable a framework where the potential of culture can be fully developed, it is important to understand what generates the "gap". It is crucial to create spaces where all involved actors can speak openly and at the same level, acknowledging each other’s needs and views.

Local and regional cultural operators, artists, representatives of civil society organisations, local and regional administrators and civil servants joined the discussion and shared their expertise and good practices on building bridges between cultural centres and local administrations.

Read more about ENCC


8.45 - 9.00 Arrival of colleagues and partners from Holstebro and region
9.00 - 12.30 Roundtable with practitioners, experts, and policy makers: the potential of "uninstitutionalising" cultural houses; understanding the existing gap and building bridges through dialogue.
Introduction: Piet Forger, programme coordinator and ENCC board member; Kap Bech Jensen, director of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium
Speakers: Irene Rolopo, consultant; Louise Godt and Emma Meyer, EU cultural advisors, Central Denmark EU Office of the Danish Government; Kristian Krog, director of Maltfabrikken
Coffee break
Working groups: discussing different dimensions of the issues at stake
Main conclusions and next steps
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch and networking
14.00 - 17.30 Study visits (optional)
Slagteriet, Holstebro
Sygehus grunden, Holstebro


Piet Forger has been the head of the department for cultural affairs at the city of Leuven, Belgium since 2015. He is the initiator and vice president of Vitamine C, a Flanders-based network of cultural professionals.
Irene Ropolo is involved in co-creation of European projects and, in particular, in systematising skills, knowledge, opportunities and objectives.
Kristian Krog is the managing director and co-founder of the independent Danish cultural centre Maltfabrikken. For the last 15 years he has played a central role in transforming an abandoned factory into an international institution.

Peter Elsass (11/03/1947 – 01/10/ 2022)

Peter Elsass (11/03/1947 – 01/10/ 2022)

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