News from the theatre

News from the theatre

Several of Odin Teatret's regular actors hold

It is a combination of age and a failing market that causes expenses and income to be adjusted.

It simply doesn't fit.

Per Kap Bech Jensen, theater director of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - Odin Teatret, categorically rejects rumors that the entire "old team", i.e. the original actors in the Odin Teatret, have been dismissed from the turn of the year.

Is it the story of one feather becoming ten chickens?

Yes, I think the rumors must be due to the fact that some of the theater's actors neither can nor want to anymore. We are not extending the contracts with Frans Winther, Tage Nielsen, Else Marie Laukvik and Jan Ferslev for that reason. However, they will participate in the upcoming Odin Week Festival starting on August 12. But the rest continues, a shame - there is a new play that will premiere here in September, directed by Eugenio Barba, and which will go on tour here in Europe, explains Per Kap Bech Jensen.

It is no longer the case that all actors are on the payroll with full pay, regardless of how much or little they contribute to the theater's work.

We are dealing with a combination of advanced age and a market where it is difficult to sell the big ensemble performances. The world is changing, and so are the requirements for what a theater must be able to do. The contracts are adjusted or adjusted, if you like, so that we pay for the work that is done. It would also be irresponsible in relation to the fact that we get public money, explains the theater director.

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