Corvus Corax 20XX

Corvus Corax 20XX

Corvus Corax 20XX is a four-year artistic partnership between the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium and the Greenland National Theatre, where artistic collaboration projects will unfold both locally and internationally.

In the period 2021 – 2024, the two theaters will, with million-kroner support from the A.P. Møller Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation and the Færch Foundation initiate a wide range of inspiring and innovative theater activities in both Greenland and Denmark. The initiative originates from the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - Odin Teatret.

Corvus Corax 20XX aims to leave artistic and human traces for posterity in the form of a collaboration between the theatres, local people and international researchers. The partnership thus aims to create an artistic, cultural and scientific impact to promote a stronger and renewed cultural connection between Greenland and Denmark. This is sought to be done via four different initiatives over a 4-year period:

  1. Artistic collaboration: Locally based and involving festival formats in both GL and DK.
  2. Performances: Circulation of performances from both theaters in GL and DK.
  3. Corvus Corax Lab: Performing arts laboratory for cultural exchange and performing arts development.
  4. Building new partnerships: Partnerships that must sustainably secure the collaboration after four years.

Artistic collaboration between the two theatres:

Five different festival formats are held, where outreach is carried out in both GL and DK with cultural barter as the basic model. The main idea is that everyone is a cultural actor and thus also a representative of something that can be put into play and transformed into an expression that can be included in a festival format.

Performances from both theaters are presented in Greenland and Denmark:

There are a total of four tours to Greenland, so that as many people as possible can experience an internationally recognized theater through performances, workshops and seminars. These are performances with Odin Teatret's ensemble and new artistic groups from the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. Greenland's National Theater will also, every year, present its performances in Holstebro and subsequently go on tour in Denmark. Holstebro will become a new central point for communicating and spreading knowledge of Greenland through a real exchange of the two theatres' artistic work.


Corvus Corax 20XX aims to leave artistic and human traces for posterity.

Corvus Corax Lab

Is a stage artistic development and exchange environment, where new artistic formats and creative processes can be tested, and where the artists from the two theaters can develop their own stage artistic work and new strategies with outreach.

Masterclasses will be held with trained masters from the two theatres.

As part of the Corvus Corax Lab, researchers will follow the development of the new formats and document the process continuously with articles. Through a new dissemination strategy, the archive will use digital tools with a focus on knowledge sharing and collecting the project's achieved results, aesthetic methods and artistic processes as a model for other studies.

Partnership circle

A targeted effort must ensure cooperation going forward after the project period has ended. The effort aims to make the project's results and impact visible in relation to attracting new partners who can create a sustainable model for further collaboration both artistically and financially.

Throughout the four years the project runs, the most important thing will be to get the art out to as many people as possible in an open access approach. Not just as a performance, but as a mutual gathering, where new relationships can emerge through cultural exchanges.

Therefore, the aim is to reach as broadly as possible in relation to different age groups and professions.

Linguistically, both theaters are used to working with other forms of artistic expression than the spoken word, and thus there is an increased opportunity to create the right conditions for the meeting between art and people to take place in the form of music, physical actions and an appreciative approach to the fact that what one can do has a cultural value.


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Artistic Neighborhood Communities

The Mood Group

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INUNA Podcast

INUNA Podcast
