Gasværksvej 28-48
7900, Nykøbing Mors
Site-specific exibition of children's drawings and music from Kulturpladsen to Containerakademiet
Children from Lødderup Friskole and MC Holm Skole have made drawings inspired by the works of Christian Finne, which can be seen in Morsø Kunstforening MK61's current exhibition at Holmen.
Children and their drawings will walk together with Kai Bredholt, from Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - Odin Teatret, and Morsø Garden, from Musikværket on Kulturpladsen at 17:00.
With drum and music, the procession moves through the city. At around 5.30 pm, drawings, children, actors and musicians arrive at Containerakademiet - Fællesværkstedet in the upper part of the pedestrian street. Here there will be a vernissage with communal singing, liquorice confectionery and cider. The children's drawings will be hung on the Art Association's wall in the workshop room and will form a kind of answer to the question: What do we need an art association for in Nykøbing?
Organised by Kai Bredholt / Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium - Odin Teatret, Morsø Garden, Morsø Kunstforening af 1961, POP UP Containerakademiet / FællesværkstedeArganiserKai Bredholt - Nordic Theatre Laboratory - Odin Teatret, Morsø Garden, Morsø Kunstforening af 1961, POP UP Containerakademiet / Fællesværkstedet