Orchestra Meet - Holstebro Festive Week 2024

15 jun.

The Orchestra Meet will be an exciting musical arrangement where loads of talented musicians get together to bring life and sound to the streets of Holstebro. It happens on June 15th from 10.00-17.30.

This musical journey begins on Danmarksgade, and moves its' way down the street while playing.

10.00-10.20: The Orchestra begins at Danmarksgade

10.30-11.00: The Orchestra plays its' way down the street

11.05-11.30: The Orchestra plays at Storebro by Storå

11.30-12.30: The Orchestra plays its' way down the street again

After this there is a break, until the festivities continue at 15.00:

15.00-15.30: The Orchestra plays at Slagteriet

17.00-17.30: The Orchestra plays at BaseCamp of the Future

Musicians from all over, including Holstebro Musikkorps, Morsø Garden and Copenhagen's TRUT Brass Band, will make the streets festive and musical.

Living testimony

Living testimony

14 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.