Nora's way - Italy

Palazzo dei Diamanti - Ferrara
Corso Ercole I d'Este, 21
44121, Ferrara
3 maj.

For many years in the history of Odin Teatret, the actors' improvisations were the basis for the creation of the shows. In "Il cammino di Nora", Roberta Carreri explains and demonstrates the logic behind the different types of improvisation and their use in the creative process. 

The actress then confronts a classic text, "A Doll's House" by Ibsen, exploring on stage the principle that guides her to create sequences of specific actions and relate them to the text. 

 Alternating between creative work and explanation, the actress presents her personal working process and indicates the motivations behind her choices. 

- This demonstration of improvisation work is dedicated to Torgeir Wethal, one of the founding actors of Odin Teatret in which he worked until his death in 2010. 

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