This show takes place on 15th of June with Kabarett INC. Lounge at BaseCamp of the Future from 18.30-20.00, "Babel Babel Babel" from 20.00-21.00 and Kabarett INC. Variety Show from 21.30-22.30.
You need tickets for the main shows, which can be picked up for free at BaseCamp of the Future from 8th of June. Lounge and Variety show is open until filled up, so you can come without a ticket, but remember to be in good time.
For four days during the Festive Week the Kabarett INC. occupies the old boiler room on the hospital grounds with captivating scripts, lovely music and loads of entertainment.
This particular evening centers around the cabaret, "Babel Babel Babel":
"Babel Babel Babel" takes you on a musical journey through the intricacies of love, the ordinariness of life, war, nationalism and the desire for freedom.
The cabaret is a musical tale of the angel Babylon, who tries to make sense of the human world in a Babylonian mix of languages.
It is a grotesque cabaret of humor, irony and passion. We meet a fallen angel, a madman who talks to himself, heaven and the audience, and slowly we are drawn deeper and deeper into the corners of love and life, with both lightness and seriousness.
The cabaret is built around music and songs from the 30s and 40s by P.H., Edith Piaf, Brecht, Balz, Weil and Holländer, among others.
"Babel Babel Babel" is a re-enactment of Babylon of the Night in a new adaptation and with new accompanist Martin Damgaard. Søs Banke toured from 2004 to 2014 with Nattens Babylon together with musicians Torben Lassen, Nikolai Seidelin under the name “Babylon Trio. The then cabaret show was an offshoot of the cabaret Liebe ist Kein Geheimniss, which was a collaboration between Søs Banke and Zimmer Theatre in Tübingen in southern Germany in 2002, where it was performed for the first time with a different musical cast.
Bring your friends and loved ones and experience this grand performance!
Søs Banke
Actor "Babel Babel Babel"
Martin Damgaard Kristensen
Piano "Babel Babel Babel"
Christopher Shorr & James Jordan
Variety Hosts
Matias Carruitero
Variety performer
Stefania Giammarino
Variety performer
Hans Henrik Suersaq
Variety performer
Joao Fonseca
Variety performer
Ruslan Nugman
Variety performer
Tiaheswery Thiaharaja
Variety performer
Zuzana Durikova
Variety performer
Pablo Lara
Variety performer
Gracia Rios
Variety peformer
Paul Anthony Hales
The team behind
Søs Banke
Director & author "Babel Babel Babel"