Feats of Performing - Festuge 2024

4.500 - 6.000 kr.
24 maj. - 9 jun.

DOWNLOAD HERE the application form, fill it and send it to dk@ntl.dk
Application deadline: 26 April 2024
Early bird: 22 March
Answer: 30 April

Are you interested in developing your talents as a performer? Would you like to expand your repertoire of available acting skills, including approaches developed by Odin Teatret? 

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium presents an intense workshop for actors, dancers and/or musicians, which will take place here at the theatre during two weeks from May to June 2024 (arrival 23rd May – departure 10th June) with the extraordinary possibility to extend the stay for another week (departure 18th June) to assist in the artistic process of the Holstebro Festuge (Festive Week).

The workshop begins each day with physical and vocal training.
The work is concentrated on unique practices developed by Odin Teatret, using sticks as a tangible force to illustrate the dynamic core of the performer.

The afternoons will be devoted to the creation of material derived from the training, and we will work in depth with decoding the expressions of the body, its signs, with organic rhythm and repetitions.

The process will give birth to a performance which will be presented during the Festive Week 2024 (Holstebro Festuge), celebrating the 750 year jubilee of Holstebro.

The workshop participants will present their work on the 9th of June, in a performance with more than one hundred performers and musicians. The performance will take place alongside the iconic stream Storeåen (The Big River), and its many bridges, in Holstebro.

The performance is a partnership with The Human Mosaic Project, which entails Teatr Brama (Poland), Fabrica Athens (Greece), Asociatia Culturala Replika and Teatrul Masca (Romania).
More information will be shared with the workshop participants.


All summer Masterclasses

The Dance of Intentions

The Path of Actions

Act How - Exchange, Learn, Act (English session)

Act How - Intercambiar, Aprender, Actuar (en español)

Living testimony

Living testimony

14 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.