ACTHOW - Exchange Learn Perform

ACT HOW - Exchange, Learn, Act (English session) ***CANCELLED

7.500 - 8.000 kr.
11 - 25 aug.


Arrival 11 August, departure 25 August 2024

Check the daily schedule here


Come and experience two exciting, intense and educational weeks with professional artists at Nordic Theatre Lab (NTL).
Participate in the theatre lab's learning-rich workshops and contribute to a performing arts exchange that produces theatre across time, traditions and genres.

ACTHOW is a reflective research platform that invites artists to participate in new collaborations and artistic constellations. The aim is to explore the question "ACT - HOW?" through both language and body language.

We encourage artists from all disciplines within theatre and performing arts to participate, exchange knowledge and work together. There are also a few places available for those who wish to participate through observation only.

NTL has historically been an international meeting place for artistic encounters and research. The theatre has undergone some major changes and faced some incredible shifts in recent years. As we evolve, we are constantly trying to redefine our purpose and respond to new and current issues. When recurring questions arise, we can't expect the answers to remain the same as when they were originally asked. 

On the first day of ACTHOW, participants will introduce themselves and share their practices. The purpose is to establish relationships between the participants and those working at NTL.

Participants will work with NTL's artists on physical training and on creating a production based on Henrik Ibsen's play 'Peer Gynt'. During the daytime, spaces for reflection and exchange will be created, followed by evening performances and work demonstrations.
In addition to the performing arts activities, there will also be opportunities to meet with members of the theatre lab's Archive - called Kuben (The Cube) - and the other artistic and administrative staff at NTL.

Further information about preparatory tasks will be sent upon registration.


All summer Masterclasses

The Dance of Intentions

Feats of Performing

The Path of Actions

Act How - Intercambiar, Aprender, Actuar (en español)

Application form and deadline

Download it here and send to
Standard application deadline: 1 July 2024
Reply to standard application: 4 July 2024

Early bird application deadline: 11 June 2024
Early bird response: 14 June 2024
*Students must present a valid student card to receive the discount

Prices 2024

7.500 kr. student price and early bird
8.000 kr. normal price

Included in the price:
Access to workspaces and common areas such as music rooms, library, archives and video rooms
Staying in shared rooms, bathrooms and shower rooms
Kitchen with equipment to prepare and eat your own food, including a fridge to store your personal food
Access to washing machine

Not Included:
Travel to and from the theatre

When you attend a workshop at NTL

You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the house's artists and guests, as well as see selected performances that are played during the length of the workshop.
There is a very special atmosphere in our historic theatre, and you will be invited to the house meetings and activities when it fits with your programme.


Background could be actors, theatre students, dancers, performers, musicians, and anyone with a passion and interest in discovering techniques and tools of theatre practice

Living testimony

Living testimony

14 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 9.30 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.
The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

The Ugly Duckling, at 11.00 am

Guest Performance
19 mar.