Celebrating 60 years of theatre history in the 750 years

Celebrating 60 years of theatre history in the 750 years

28 sep.

60 years ago, on 1 October 1964, Odin Teatret was founded in Oslo.

In many ways, the theatre group has not only had a great influence on theatre history, but in its long life it has also helped establish Holstebro as a city of culture, known all over the world. 

Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium wants to honour and mark this historic event in our space at Særkærparken 144, which has been the venue for countless cultural events, parties and celebrations for 58 years. 






ACTHOW - Exchange Learn Perform

ACT HOW - Exchange, Learn, Act (English session) ***CANCELLED

11 - 25 aug.
Børne Teater Laboratoriet

Børne Teater Laboratoriet

BTL - Børne Teater Laboratoriet
20 aug.
ACTHOW - Exchange Learn Perform

ACT HOW- Intercambiar, Aprender, Actuar ***CANCELLED

1 - 15 sep.