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If you have questions that cannot be answered in the FAQ below, you are always welcome to contact us.

Find your way

Find your way to the theater

How to get to Holstebro

Holstebro is located on the Jutland peninsula. To get to Holstebro by train coming from the south, you must take the train towards Struer, which stops in Holstebro. There are also train connections directly from Copenhagen Airport (the journey takes approx. 4 hours). If you choose to fly to our local airport, Karup (40 km from Holstebro), there is a taxi service to our town.

The nearest international airport is Billund (80 km from Holstebro) with connections to Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt and other European cities.

For further travel information by bus and train you can use rejseplanen.dk


When you arrive at the theatre, you can use the car park on the square between the theater and the emergency department's Fire Museum.

If the parking lot is full, you can park in the grassy lot next to the entrance to Beredskabsgården.


Practical information for performances

Make sure to arrive in time

Be at the theater no later than 10 minutes before the performance starts.

The start time of the performance is stated on your ticket. We want to give you the best experience, and therefore it is important that we do not have audience that arrives at the same time as the performance starts.

It is possible to walk around and experience the theatre's history in the foyer, where it is also possible to sit and buy refreshments in the bar.

If you arrive after the performance has started, you cannot be guaranteed access to the room until after the first break, if there is a break. This applies to all scenes.

Enjoy the break before, during and after

Please come in plenty of time before the show start and experience our theatre. You are welcome to sit in our café and enjoy the surroundings.

Our small bar is often open, and you will also be able to buy drinks before and after the performance. Some performances have a break and it will also be possible to buy refreshments during the break.

Please note that it is only at selected performances that it is possible to bring drinks into the rooms. The bar staff will let you know of this.

You can pay by either card or mobilepay.

The performance must be experienced without your mobile phone

Remember to put your mobile on silent or airplane mode before entering the room. A mobile that buzzes or rings/dings disturbs both your own and other audience's experience and the artists' concentration.

And keep your mobile phone and other cameras in your pocket. It is not permitted to take pictures or film during the performances.

If you, as a photographer, want to take pictures for a performance, you must contact us producer Simon before the performance. 


Ticket sales and conditions


When ordering tickets, you must provide your name, address, e-mail, possibly telephone number and payment card information or use Mobilepay. Personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.

Fulfillment of order

When you click on "Pay", a receipt will appear on your screen, which is an automatic confirmation that we have received your order. You will subsequently receive an e-mail with an order confirmation.

We reserve the right for errors and changes in prices, performance dates, repertoire, cast, etc.


The ticket with the printed barcode is your proof of admission to a specific event. The ticket is only valid if the barcode is active. The barcode is only accepted once upon entry to the event. The ticket cannot therefore be used multiple times or copied.

We will scan your ticket at the door, so please have it ready when you arrive. At some performances, we first scan at the entrance to the room.

Please note that in Denmark it is illegal to offer and resell tickets at a higher price than they originally cost (including service costs). Illegal copying or illegal resale of tickets may result in you not being granted access to the event.


If the performance you have tickets for is cancelled, the ticket price will be refunded if:

  • The performance is one of the Nordic Theater Laboratory's own performances
  • The performance takes place indoors
  • If the performance takes place outdoors, you will be refunded the ticket price if the cancellation takes place before the start of the first intermission. If the cancellation occurs after the start of the first break, you will not be refunded your ticket.

If a performance is cancelled, we will inform you via the e-mail you provided at the time of purchase.

Right of withdrawal

You do not have the right of cancellation when purchasing tickets, cf. § 18, subsection of the Consumer Contracts Act. 2, no. 12. You cannot therefore get a refund of the payment for tickets. The ticket may be transferred to others, but be aware that in Denmark it is illegal to offer and resell tickets at a higher price than they originally cost (including service costs).

Illegal copying or illegal resale of tickets means that you will not be allowed access to the event.

Disability and special services


The theater's rooms are on the ground floor. It is therefore possible to come to performances with a wheelchair, walker, etc.

If you arrive with a wheelchair to a performance, please let us know in advance so that we can take into account a suitable location in the room. White and black room have normal width entrance doors, while there are double doors to red hall.

If you have difficulty walking, you can also contact us and we will secure a place for you on the lower stand, so that you don't have to climb the stairs to the other seats.

Contact Julie Andersen at julie@ntl.dk or phone 24870261

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