INUNA Podcast: Growing popularity

INUNA Podcast: Growing popularity

INUNA, the by now well-known podcast for Greenlanders in Denmark, continues its journey with an ever-growing listenership and remarkable milestones.

With an average download rate of 150 per podcast and a constantly increasing trend since launch, INUNA has broken the 10,000 downloads threshold since the introduction of their first podcast in the month of February.

At the beginning of August, INUNA actively participated in Greenland in Tivoli, where they effectively made their podcast visible through a series of activities at their stall. Audience interaction was highly engaging as INUNA's team engaged passers-by and recorded various podcast sessions. As many as 5-600 visitors made their way past INUNA's area, of which 75 actively participated in the podcast sessions - either auditorily or visually on social media. Selected highlights from these sessions will be incorporated into the upcoming two podcasts that will convey INUNA's experience in Tivoli.

A clear "fairground effect" was noticeable with a significant peak of over 2000 downloads in just one day. This phenomenon illustrates the power of reaching listeners where they are and testifies to INUNA's extensive commitment across the country.

In addition to the auditory media, INUNA also prioritizes interaction with their listeners on social media, which plays a central role in creating and strengthening the community among Greenlanders in Denmark.

"It is pleasing to see that our reach is expanding in Denmark, but the figures also show that our influence extends to Greenland," says project manager Arnannguaq Gerstrøm. While INUNA's primary target group is Greenlanders in Denmark, they are excited about the attention they have received from their compatriots in Greenland. "INUNA's influence creates connections between Greenlanders both in Denmark and Greenland, which confirms our role as a unifying force in Greenlandic society," adds Arnannguaq Gerstrøm.

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