The Frogs and the Blue Lady

The Frogs and the Blue Lady

"The Frogs and the Blue Lady" is a whimsical theatre performance for children about the founding of Holstebro, told by the Froggies with the help of the dragon Læssie, the Blue Lady and Knight Holst. 

Frog and Froggi are two clown characters in candy-striped costumes full of mischief. The children are taken on an adventurous journey with knights and dragons, and not least how a town was created by a small stream many, many, many years ago.

The theatre performance is full of clowning, speed, tempo, music, song and dance.


About "The Frogs and the Blue Lady"

Knight Holst was a real knight. All he cared about was finding the right place to live so he could build a city for all the good people.

Back then, there were no trains or aeroplanes, so he came riding on his horse. One day he came to a very large stream that was almost a river. Knight Holst immediately started cutting down a lot of trees so he could build a bridge. But as soon as he started building, a dragon appeared from the river and stopped him. The dragon was called Læssie and it was worried about letting Knight Holst build a bridge over the river, because down in the river lived a blue lady and Læssie took special care of her.

He did this because the Blue Lady looked after the fish and all the small and large animals that lived by the river. She also looked after the plants, the tadpoles and the animals that were so small that a human eye could not even see them. So the dragon, Læssie, had a very important task and couldn't just let any knight build bridges and cities by the river. The Blue Lady was a kind of queen of nature by the river, and Læssie, who was a very wise dragon, knew this. 

Therefore, Knight Holst had to pass many tests to be allowed to build his bridge across the river to the city he dreamed of. Perhaps you're wondering what kind of tests Knight Holst had to pass? Well, you'll find out when we Frogger come to visit... 

Therefore, Knight Holst had to pass many tests to be allowed to build his bridge across the river to the city he dreamed of. Perhaps you're wondering what kind of tests Knight Holst had to pass? Well, you'll find out when we Frogger come to visit...


Francesca Tesoniero


Karin Ahlström G.


The team behind

Valerio Peroni


Roberta Carreri

Voice of The Bleu Lady

Fausto Pro

